Running and managing an office puts you in charge of ordering new supplies, handling disputes between workers and even buying new equipment as needed. You may not consider some of the thinks that you need to think about when buying a new printer though like whether you should pay extra for an extended warranty. A basic warranty covers damage to the machine and problems that arise because of a manufacturer error. Paying for an extended warranty will cover other things and help you in some new ways.
Longer Period of Time
When you buy a new piece of office equipment like a printer, you receive a warranty that will last for a set amount of time after your purchase. It may last for as little as six months to a year or run for three years or more. The warranty can start from the moment the printer arrives at your office or from the date that you registered it online with the manufacturer. An extended warranty will last significantly longer and may cover repairs for up to a decade after you bought the printer.
Repair Coverage
Office printers can suffer from a number of breaks and other problems because the people who use it are so rough. They might print out hundreds of pages every day and not use as much caution as they should when adding new paper or changing the cartridges. An extended warranty will offer the repair coverage that you need to tackle these problems. You can call a simple number and get a technician out to do the repairs that you need. A printer repair Washington DC company will not charge you for repairs covered by your warranty as long as your warranty is still valid.
Other Problems
Getting an extended warranty may help you with the maintenance on your printer too. Some printer manufacturers require that you get routine maintenance done regularly to keep your warranty valid. To ensure that you follow the recommendations in place, many companies will cover maintenance under your warranty. You can get someone to change your toner cartridges and do other work on the printer without paying a dime out of your budget. This is especially helpful in offices with a large number of people who have a lot of printing tasks. With so many great benefits, there’s really no reason not to pay extra for an extended warranty on your office printer.