The Internet and Your Child

Internet is a wonderful place, where your child can grow and gain valuable information about the surrounding world. There are also dangers awaiting your child while surfing the Net and socializing in forums or other social sites. Before your child is old enough to use the Internet, discuss with him what he is allowed to do on the Internet, and what he is not allowed to do. Try to build mutual trust between the two of you, and allow him to share with you if something bad on the Internet happened to him. Always remember to discourage it from leaving too much personal information about himself on the Net. Children love sharing as much of their personal data as possible, so stay alert and keep your eye on it before something bad happens. Internet is a wonderful place where your child can play online games, meet new friends and learn new things. I think that it is a good place where your child can spend his free time, but you have to remember, that the Internet is also a place, where there is no parental supervision. Children are not afraid to say things on the Internet that otherwise they would not be afraid to say in real life.