If you are really determined to focus on search engine optimization, then you may want to put some effort into determining the effectiveness of your internal link structure. This would answer the question whether you are utilizing your PageRank the most effective way by passing it from your home page to other pages on your site. Internal link structure depends on how you link to your own pages. Take into account the following points:
- First of all, you can use Google Webmaster Tools to show your internal link counts to different pages. This way you will be able to analyze which pages should be linked to more often. Such pages could be those that receive little traffic or have some important content. Basically, it depends on your priorities.
- If you have pages with high PageRank consider linking to your other integral pages, instead of linking to other websites. It might be a good idea to have a dedicated link page that will not have a very high PageRank, so that you will not worry about passing too much authority to other sites. That is because you want to pass your PR to your own integral pages. This is why there are some websites with so many pages with high PR, while other sites have only PR on their homepage.
Overall, it is important for every webmaster to have a well-organized link structure. Only this way will your website have many pages with high Page Rank.