Some people love Christmas time more than any other time of year. It is true that Christmas festivities have a lot of charm to them, but at the same time the number of car accidents goes through the roof and surpasses any other season. While the icy roads might be somehow to blame for it (or not depending where you live), the reality is that alcohol consumption is higher that usual and this contributes to such a high number of road casualties at the end of December. If you know in advance that you are prone to drinking during Christmas festivities and this is something you will want to do, it is always best to be prepared in advance and take some necessary precautions to ensure that you don’t end up in hospital, or even worse in crematory. In case you have any questions, feel free to direct them to a miami personal injury attorney who will be more than happy to offer you a helpful hand.
Here are some precautions you can take to minimize the chances of driving under the influence of alcohol:
1. If you are about yo go out and are likely to have a drink, make all the necessary travel arrangements to ensure that you dion’t drive at all. This way you will be able to drink with confidence, but you still remember not to drink too much because too much alcohol can have an adverse effect on your health and overall well being during Christmas. You have a few options here: you can either depend on somebody who is not likely to drink to get you to a party and back, or you can choose to call a cab.
2. During a party, observe what others are doing (even if you are having a good time) and check if those who drink heavily have arrangements that will allow them to get to home safely. If you notice something suspicious always be ready to call a cab for somebody you know even if it means that you will have to pay for it. It is still a small price to pay if a car accident can be avoided as the result of your actions.