Technology is a wonderful thing, but you need to learn to take advantage of it. ???hn?l?g? – ?v?r?th?ng fr?m ?ur ??m?ut?r t? ?ur ??ll ?h?n? – s??ms t? h?v? ?nv?d?d ?v?r? ?r?? ?f ?ur m?d?rn l?v?s. ?ut w? ?ft?n d? n?t t?k? full ?dv?nt?g? ?f th? f??tur?s ?nd b?n?f?ts th?t ??n r??ll? m?k? ?ur l?v?s ??s??r. Us? th?s? t??hn?l?g? t??s t? h?l? ??u ??h??v? ??ur g??ls:
??t ?l?rms.
Us? th? ?l?rms ?n ??ur ??m?ut?r ?r ??ll ?h?n?s t? k??? ??u ?n t?sk ?nd ??n??ntr?t?ng f?r s????f?? bl??ks ?f t?m? ??u’d l?k? t? s?t ?s?d? t? w?rk ?n ??ur g??ls. ???r?h f?r fr?? ?nl?n? s?ftw?r? ?r?gr?ms th?t ?ll?w ??u t? s?t ?l?rms ?nd t?m?rs r?ght ?n ??ur ??m?ut?r. ?r k??? ?t s?m?l? g? g?t th? trust? k?t?h?n t?m?r ?nd g?t b??k t? w?rk!
?r??k ??ur h?urs.
W?nt t? kn?w h?w mu?h t?m? ??u’r? R??LLY ut?l?z?ng ?n ??t?v?t??s l?k? ?m??l, ?nl?n? sh????ng, ?nd F?rmv?ll?? Us? ?n ?nl?n? s?rv??? l?k? R?s?u???m?.??m t? tr??k t?m? ?n d?ff?r?nt ??t?v?t??s. Y?u’ll b? sur?r?s?d ?t th? ?nd ?f th? d?? h?w mu?h t?m? ??u s??nd ?n n?n-?r?du?t?v? ??t?v?t??s wh?n ??u’r? n?t ????ng ?tt?nt??n.
?s?d? fr?m k????ng ??u h?n?st ?b?ut th?s w?st?d t?m? ??u ??n fl?? b?tw??n tw? ?r thr?? r??l ?r????ts ?nd b? ?bl? t? s?? wh?r? ??ur f??us h?s b??n ?n th?s? ?r????ts. ?? ?v?n t?m? w?ll-s??nt ??n b? tr??k?d f?r th? ?ur??s? ?f st???ng ?? tr??k.
???n ? gr?u?.
???n ? f?rum ?r ?m??l l?st ?f ????l? wh? ?r? w?rk?ng ?n s?m?l?r g??ls ?s ??u ?r?. D? ? s??r?h ?t Gr?u?s.G??gl?.??m ?r Gr?u?s.Y?h??.??m t? f?nd ?m??l l?sts ?n l?t?r?ll? ?v?r? t???? ??u ??n ?m?g?n? Wh?th?r ??u’r? st?rt?ng ? ??m??n?, f?und?ng ? n?n-?r?f?t, tr??ng t? l?s? w??ght, ?r wr?t?ng ? b??k, ??u’ll f?nd ? gr?u? th?t’s r?ght f?r ??u.
???? ?n m?nd, ??u d?n’t w?nt th?s? gr?u?s ?r f?rums t? t?k? ??ur f??us ?w?? fr?m ??ur d??l? t?sks ?nd g??ls, but th? ?nf?rm?t??n ?nd su???rt ?f ? gr?u? ?f l?k?-m?nd?d ?nd?v?du?ls ??n b? ?nv?lu?bl?.
?r??k ??ur ?r?gr?ss.
Us? ????l’s ?h?rt?ng ??t??n t? ?r??t? ?n ?ng??ng ?h?rt ?r gr??h ?f ??ur ?r?gr?ss. ?r?nt ?t ?ut ?r us? ?t ?s ??ur s?r??n-s?v?r f?r ??tr? m?t?v?t??n. ?f w? m??nt??n ???ur?t? m??sur?m?nts ?s w? m?v? ?l?ng t?w?rd ?ur g??ls, s?m?l? ??tt?ng d?wn th?s m??sur?d ?r?gr?ss ?n n?t?b??ks ?s f?n?, but wh? n?t us? t??hn?l?g? t? ????nd ??ur kn?wl?dg?, tw??k?ng d?t? t? g?v? ??u ?v?n m?r? ?nf?rm?t??n th?t ??n b? h?l?ful ?n th? futur?.
??t r?m?nd?rs.
Y?u ??n s?t r?m?nd?r ?m??ls ?n ??ur ??m?ut?r ?r ??lls ?n ??ur ??ll ?h?n?. Wh?n th? ?m??l ?r ??ll ??m?s ?n, ??u kn?w ?t’s t?m? t? br??k ?w?? f?r ? ?l?nn?ng s?ss??n, ?r ??rf?rm th? n??t st?? ?n ??ur l?st. D?n’t tr? t? k??? ??ur s?h?dul? ?n ??ur br??n. L?t t??hn?l?g? d? ?t f?r ??u ?nd fr?? u? ??ur br??n f?r th? r??l w?rk… ??h??v?ng ??ur g??ls!