Technology and Kids

Technology is usually a huge part of the life of every kid. ?s t??hn?l?g? ??nt?nu?s t? gr?w ?nt? ? l?rg?r ??rt ?f ?ut ?h?ldr?n’s l?v?s, ??d??tr????ns ?r? s???ng m?r? ?nd m?r? ??ung ??t??nts f?r r???t?t?v? str?ss ?n?ur??s. ?n??unt?r?ng th?s? t???s ?f ??m?l???t??ns ?t su?h ?n ??rl? ?g? ?n d?v?l??m?nt ??n l??d t? mu?h b?gg?r ?r?bl?ms d?wn th? r??d. ??r? ?r? ? f?w ?r???ut??ns f?r ??r?nts t? t?k? t? ?nsur? th??r k?ds ??m?ut?r ?r g?m?ng h?b?ts d?n’t l??d t? h??lth ?ssu?s.

1. ??v? ?h?ldr?n t?k? 10-15 m?nut? br??ks f?r ?v?r? h?ur th?? ?r? ?n th? ??m?ut?r ?r ?l???ng v?d?? g?m?s. ???nd th?t t?m? str?t?h?ng, runn?ng ?r?und, d??ng ?um??ng ???ks, ?r ?ng?g?ng ?n s?m? ?th?r f?rm ?f ?h?s???l ??t?v?t?.

2. ?n??ur?g? ??rr??t ??stur? w?th ?h?ldr?n b? t???h?ng th?m t? s?t u? str??ght, w?th th? ?.V. ?r ??m?ut?r s?r??n ?t ??? l?v?l.

3. ??v? ?h?ldr?n str?t?h th??r ?rms ?nd f?ng?rs b?f?r? st?rt?ng. ?s w?th ?n? ?h?s???l ???r??s?, ?r?bl?ms ???ur wh?n ??u ?ust ?um? ?nt? ?t w?th?ut w?rm?ng u?.

4. ????h ?h?ldr?n ?r???r t???ng t??hn?qu?s. ?n??ur?g? th?s fr?m ? ??ung ?g?. ??t ?nl? d??s ?t h?l? ?v??d str?ss ?n?ur??s, but ?t w?ll b? ? sk?ll th?? us? th? r?st ?f th??r l?v?s.

5. ?n??ur?g? ?h?ldr?n t? us? d?ff?r?nt h?nd ??s?t??ns ?n th??r ??ntr?ll?r wh?n ?l???ng v?d?? g?m?s.

Wh?l? t??hn?l?g? f?r k?ds ?sn’t g??ng ?w??, ?t sh?uld n?t r??l??? tr?d?t??n?l ?h?ldh??d ?l??. ???hn?l?g? ?s ?n ????ll?nt ?dd?t?v? t? ?h?ldr?n’s l?v?s ?nl? wh?n us?d ?n m?d?r?t??n. ?f ??u’v? g?t ? l?ttl? t??hn?l?g? ?unk?? ?n ??ur h?us?, ??u’ll n??d t? f?nd w??s t? ?n??ur?g? h?m (?r h?r) ?n ?th?r ?v?nu?s ?f ?l??. ??k? sur? th? r?t?? ?f t??hn?l?g? t?m? t? ?l?? t?m? ?s ?t l??st 50/50.