Google Adsense

I would like to share with you a money making idea, which enables to monetize your website or blog. A lot of us have websites and want to make some profit out of them. Unfortunately, many of our websites cost us a lot of money, partly because of monthly hosting fees. These can easily amount to over $50-$200 per year. Taking this into account, it is always a good idea to look for ways to monetize your site. This should also be the case even if your website was only created for fun.

Now let us further analyze this opportunity. Website owners can enroll in Google AdSense to enable text, image, and even video advertisements on their sites. Ads are dynamically displayed � Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user�s geographical location, and other factors. This means that if you have, for example, a Canadian visitor, then ads are going to match his geographical location. Ads are also going to match the topic of your website. It is a Pay Per Click (PPC) type of advertising, which means that you only get paid if a visitor clicks on an ad. They also offer some advertisements which pay per thousand impressions, but the vast majority of income is received through PPC.

Please note that you do not need a blog to take advantage out of this opportunity � you can have a regular website. If you are hosted on Blogger, which is owned by Google, you will have the option to put ads on your blog quite easily, but Blogger will take a share of your income. That is why if you have a regular website, then it is a better idea to have it hosted on your own domain.

Kids are Teach Savvy

I am not sure if you had a chance to notice it, but I noticed that many children are a lot more tech savvy and a lot more computer literate than their parents. Even very small kids already try to have access to the Internet. It seems like the age at which young people try to approach the Internet for the first time keeps getting lower and lower.

One question I have been asking myself for a while now is do I want my kids to see everything the Internet has to offer? While I personally like the idea of the Internet very much, there are some things about the Net that I wouldn’t want my kids to experience. If you too have kids, I am sure that you know what I mean by that.


Have you ever noticed that somebody on the Internet copied and published your articles on his website? This happens all the time, and I am wondering how dangerous plagiarism really is. If a person copies and pastes your posts, this must mean that your posts are very high quality. Only the best blogs on the blogosphere have their posts copied and published on other sites. That is why a typical blogger does not have to worry that much about plagiarism. Even if someone publishes something that you wrote, chances are it was done by an automated script. If you send an email to a webmaster of such a site, then you probably will not get any response. That is why I would recommend to relax and do not panic if someone copies your content. After all, plagiarism is even a bigger issue in college where students copy and paste articles from the Internet. Since your career does not depend on blogging, you do not have to worry about it as much as universities.

However, plagiarism is still a big concern, and it is especially dangerous if major search engines index the plagiarist�s post before they index the post on your website. If that happens then search engines might actually assume that you are the plagiarist. That is why you should be careful so that you will not be accused of plagiarism yourself. That might be especially a problem if Google does not index your website very often.

Protecting Your Personal Information

Ever since I started using the Internet many years ago, I have been concerned about my personal information. For obvious reasons, I never wanted any personal information to leak from my computer because this could mean a lot of trouble.

Every time I spend my time on the Web doing something that requires me to provide some personal information, I am very careful about what I do. I guess you can never be too careful when you provide your personal data. I always makes sure to take steps in order to provide all the data the safe way so that nobody undesired has access to it.

Do You Want To Make Hackers Happy?

Do you want to make hackers happy? I am sure that you don’t and I am sure that nobody on the Internet wants it. The truth is that many Internet users unwillingly and being completely unaware of it make many hackers happy by not being careful enough while spending time surfing the Web.

I still remember one day receiving an email that looked like it was sent by my bank, but the reality it wasn’t. The address of the website it was sent from was almost identical to that of my bank. This whole situation made me realize that I need to be very careful and watch out what emails I read and what I do with them afterwards.

Is Monitoring Your Kids on the Internet the Right Thing to Do?

I know from personal experience that many parents asks themselves whether monitoring the time their kids spend on the Internet is the right thing to do. The answer to this question is not that simple and usually depends on a situation.

In my opinion, the younger a child, the more monitoring should take place. As a child gets older, there should be less and less monitoring to allow a child for more privacy.

As I have already said before, it is not easy to answer the question whether monitoring your child while he spends time online is the right thing to do. It all depends on various factors like for example how close your relationship with your child is.

Are We Winning the War with Hackers?

If you have been an Internet user for some time just like I have been one already for a couple of years, you know that there’s a war going on on the Internet. I am thinking here about the war between hackers and computer programmers.

It seems that no matter what programmers do, hackers come up with newer and newer ways to hack. This war has been going on for some time and I am not sure that anything indicates that the war is going to end any time soon. All I can say is that we need more people to fight those malicious hackers whose only goal is to steal our personal information and our money.

Is The Internet Good for Business?

All those who wonder whether the Internet is good for their business, I can say that it is definitely good for any type of business. Just look around and what do you see? I see local businesses advertising on the Internet because their owners know that the Internet is a great marketing tool that can help them a great deal making sure that they reach as many potential customers as possible who will quickly turn into returning customers. Maybe in the past, some businesses used to ignore the Internet as a marketing tool, but this is no longer the case these days when most businesses even have their Facebook pages.

Being a Victim of an Internet Scam?

I know that there are already millions of Internet users in the world who fell victim to one of the many Internet scams. While most of them learned from their mistakes, there are some Internet users who never want to open their Internet browser again because of their negative experiences. It is such a shame since the Internet can be a great place to hang out when you want to have some fun or participate in various discussion groups. It would be such a shame if those who were cheated on the Internet never wanted to use the Internet again. The Internet is definitely the future and it is going to stay that way for a very long time.

Avoiding Scams on the Internet

I have learned over the years that one of the best ways to avoid being scammed while surfing the Web is to know what types of scams lurk out there. When you are an experienced Internet user just like I am, you know a scam when you see one. What helped me in my case was to be suspicious of every program or of every person promising me to make a lot of money in a short amount of time or even over a long amount of time. I know that there are many legitimate programs out there that will allow you to earn a decent monthly income. They key is to be always alert and know whom you can trust.